Two FIngers Press
Publishing with writers in mind
new city
new opportunities

The story of Two Fingers Press is directly linked to this picture. ​This is our Founder, Red Summer, as a High School Teacher in Chicago, IL in 2007. She had an opportunity to teach an Entrepreneurship class called Turning Your Passions Into Profits. While the students learned how to write business proposals and pitch ideas, they also were tasked to run the school's publishing company.
The students selected the name Two Fingers because it represented the peace sign, something they hoped their writings would bring into their communities. When Red moved to Atlanta to pursue her own passions, she kept the name in honor of her former students and their desire for the world.
In 2020, in the wake of a global pandemic that claimed the life of her mentor Helen Hawkins (pictured above), civil unrest, and statewide lockdown, Red decided to revive the publishing company as a means of assisting people in getting much-needed information and resources to transform their lives.